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Thursday, September 9, 2010

Planning the next road trip...

Looks like it's time to plan another road trip! I'm not sure when I'll be able to leave for this, I definitely need to save up a lot more $$ as my bank account is reaching the single digits...

From doing a bit of research on and calling a few different places, it looks like these will be my stops along the way.

If anybody knows anybody in any of these areas, or inbetween some for a good resting spot, don't hesitate to contact me! Most of these northern states are pretty sparse, and finding couch surfers looks like it's going to be a bit more difficult :(

Click on the picture for a link to the actual google maps version of the route!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Alaska, state #22 complete!

Here we are! Finished throwing together the video blog of Alaska. I got to check off a bunch of firsts up there, a couple of which you get to see in the video :) Let me know what you think! Want to see more of something? Less of something? That's what the comments are for!

The video is all 1080p so feel free to click the maximum resolution at the bottom right if your computer/monitor/internet can handle it!

A great shout out to Alaska Skysports for helping me out along the way while I was in AK. Be sure to check them out if you're ever in Alaska!!