Well that was an interesting few weeks! I got to jump in 2 new states... not as much as I was going for, but I came back to Colorado for a very good reason and it made the 3,500 miles worth just 2 states.
The first jump in Minnesota went very well and a huge thanks goes out to West Side Skydivers for making sure I was able to get my reserve repacked in time to make one jump on a day that they did not have any other skydivers out there for! (The weather wasn't good at all...)
I then went up to North Dakota for about a week trying to get a pilot to take me for a skydive because the only drop zone in North Dakota happened to be flooded while I was there! Long long story short, I wasn't able to find anybody that could take me :( So, I left for Wisconsin, jumped in the early evening then took off for Indiana right after. That was a really fun hybrid that didn't work out very well but it was still a blast!
After spending a day with some family members in Indiana, I decided to head back to Colorado for a while before I leave to visit more family in California. So here I am, all packed up with everything I own in my car, bound to be living on the road until I am moving to Thailand in August. Look for more updates soon! I will get the video blog up for this trip as soon as I'm done editing it...
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